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Accounts payable

Accounts payable refers to the recording of payments or outstanding debts that you owe suppliers. It’s basically a sort of credit a supplier offers their client under which they supply the client their product or service before taking payment from them. Instead, the client receives an invoice which is returned once the outstanding dues are paid.

With our accounts payable services, you can streamline your payables process in a more systematic and organised manner. To keep your suppliers happy, you need to make sure that their payments are going through on time, and successful client-supplier relationships are the key to a successful business.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of work involved – Managing quotes, invoices, credit notes and delivery dockets, differentiating between expenses and assets, deducting expenses from your tax or depreciating the assets and claiming a partial tax deduction.

Fortunately - we’re here to help. With our expense administration, internal controls and auditing services, it’s our job to ensure that you maintain your goodwill with your suppliers.